
About NDP

The NDP is ready to govern with a strong Shadow Cabinet ready to lead and with a plan to grow the economy, create jobs for your family and deliver a brighter future with real and lasting change for all Vincentians.

Key Achievements in Government

  • Spearheaded by the New Democratic Party, the development of the tourism industry is one of the major pillars of economic development for St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
  • The NDP pioneered a land reform and distribution program which placed lands into the hands of those who were landless. This gave ownership to our people and had the effect of increasing productivity across the island.
  • The NDP has been the first and only political party in St. Vincent & the Grenadines to have won all the seats in national elections.

Our mission is to strengthen democratic values in the country in a manner that is professional, incorruptible, internally democratic and efficient.

The New Democratic Party was founded in Kingstown, St. Vincent & the Grenadines on 3rd December 1975. The first leader was the founder of the party, James Fitz-Allen Mitchell, commonly referred to by his peers as “Son Mitchell”.

In 1979 the New Democratic Party contested the general elections, the same year that La. Soufriere Volcano had its last major eruption. The public awarded the NDP with two seats in our then 13 seat parliament.

Thanks to "Son Mitchell", five years later the NDP romped home with nine (9) of the thirteen (13) seats, making Mitchell this country’s second Prime Minister. By way of a bye–election, when then Labour Party leader Hon. Robert Milton Cato closed the last chapter of his political book; the NDP gained an additional seat advantage.

Sir James Mitchell

For four consecutive terms the New Democratic Party succeeded at the polls.

In 1984: 10-3 to 11-2
In 1989: 15-0
In 1994: 12-3
In 1998: 8-7

So far the NDP has been the first and only political party in St. Vincent & the Grenadines to have won all the seats in national elections.

The development of the tourism industry has been one of the major pillars of economic development for St. Vincent & the Grenadines spearheaded by the New Democratic Party.

When the NDP embarked upon the land reform/distribution program which placed lands into the hands of the landless, our economy boomed.

When Sir James Mitchell, as he is now called, departed elective politics the Hon. Arnhim Ulric Eustace was elected President of the NDP and took over as this country’s third Prime Minister.

Arnhim Ulric Eustace

Eustace led the NDP from 2001 to 2016 and under his leadership the NDP grew and became more democratic with the Central Executive and party delegates more involved in the election and selection of the Executive Members of the party. After the 2010 Election which saw the NDP win 7 of the 15 seats up for grabs with the government holding only a one seat advantage, the NDP has emerged as a government in waiting with a strong Shadow Cabinet ready to lead and to make life better for all Vincentians.