
Foreign Policy

The NDP recognizes that notwithstanding our small size geographically and demographically we can still, through our human resources, make a meaningful contribution to the peace and stability of the world and demonstrably by upholding and promoting participatory democracy and respect for human rights.

  1. Support regional economic integration in CARICOM, OECS and any other regional grouping that preserves our traditional democratic principles.
  2. Implement our foreign policy after parliamentary debate and where appropriate consultation with interest groups.
  3. Ensure that our bilateral and multilateral arrangements will be subject to parliamentary scrutiny, debate and authorization.
  4. Actively participate in the economic partnership agreements with the EU in order to secure the benefits associated with the trade in goods and services.
  5. Broaden and deepen diplomatic relations with existing countries and seek diplomatic ties with other countries on the basis of respect for human rights and the recognition of participatory democracy.
  6. Support and encourage the peaceful resolution of international conflicts and diligently participate in the fight against terrorism and money laundering.
  7. Reform our country’s mission abroad consistent with national policy requirements with special regard to deepening trade in goods and services and attracting foreign investments.
  8. Continue to demonstrate respect for international law as a responsible state and demand that other countries do likewise.
  9. Remain steadfast to the ideals and principles of the Regional Integration Movement (CARICOM).
  10. Remain committed to the rule of law in International Relations and to the United Nations (UN).


Tourism is our largest foreign exchange earner. It is largely undeveloped and has enormous potential for growth.

  1. Diversification of our tourism product. We will identify specific areas and develop strategies to promote and exploit each of them.
  2. Targeted marketing – Europe, Canada, USA and Caribbean. We will develop special packages for Caribbean Tourists.
  3. Improvement of air transportation, in terms of cost, reliability and frequency of service to St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
  4. Promotion and development of historical and natural sites as tourism sites.
  5. The establishment of a training institute to meet the needs of tourism operators and workers.
  6. Development of marina facilities in Bequia or lower Grenadines for power yachts.
  7. Focus on high end stay over visitors. We will promote the development of small to mid-size luxury hotels/villas.
  8. The encouragement of yachting, especially cruising. We will provide better security in our harbours and bays by frequent coast guard patrols and police foot patrols in resort and beach areas.

Agriculture and Fisheries

The major resource base of our country is its land, which has been traditionally devoted to the cultivation of crop and livestock species for local food consumption, export earnings and job creation and income generation.

The New Democratic Party recognizes the central role of agriculture to the economy of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and its considerable contribution to the livelihood and well-being of Vincentians throughout successive generations.

Our country is the best disposed group of islands in the Caribbean for agriculture; it is endowed with an extraordinary agricultural resource base. Its tropical climate, very fertile soils and abundant supplies of clean water, coupled with the skill and will of the people in farming, make it ideal for year-round production of high quality agricultural products. For that reason, our country has been correctly categorized as an agricultural country. The soils in particular are so productive that the claim is made that “if you plant a nail, you’d get a crowbar”.

In earlier times, our country had earned the celebrated status as a place of excellence for Sea-Island cotton, Arrowroot and Coconuts, as well as its classic hillside contours and contour-farming techniques for the protection and preservation of the environment.

St. Vincent’s agriculture has contributed more to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) than that of any other Caribbean country. The agricultural sector has traditionally bolstered the economy; created jobs and employment opportunities for our people; provided honest incomes and earnings for many in our society; sustained significant levels of foreign exchange earnings for extended periods; and offered a measure of food security for the population. Thus, the sector has created wealth and maintained a high standard of living for the widest cross-section of our people. This has been especially true for our peasants, small farmers, processors, marketers/traffickers, and workers, i.e. our local, or indigenous, private sector.

Despite the importance and vibrancy of the agricultural sector, its dominant position in the life of Vincentians has declined substantially in the past decade, as large numbers of people left the sector/industry. Three main causes have identified for this decline:

  1. Government’s virtual neglect and degradation of the sector;
  2. The imposition of ill-advised policies like terminating the banana credit system and failure to incorporate the established banana facilities overseas to expand the national diversification efforts; and
  3. The negative impact of a range of external factors such as the high cost of imported inputs, stringent quality standards imposed on our exported products, unstable markets, low prices offered for produce, all of which are essentially beyond the control of our farmers, processors and traders.

The very obvious fact is that many established farmers have been forced out of agriculture, and vast areas of formerly highly productive land are now disbanded and lie idle. Even a cursory examination of our countryside, or rural areas generally, reveals a deteriorating situation, with large sections of areas previously deemed part of the national food-basket are now underutilized, or converted to non-productive uses. This is serious! Our responsibility is to help rehabilitate the sector.


The mission of the New Democratic Party is to arrest the deteriorating situation and revitalize the agricultural sector to make it efficient, technologically prepared and internationally competitive, so that the sector can regain its place of prominence as a major contributor to the national economy and guarantee the food and nutrition security of our people, and provide employment, income, and sustainable livelihood, while preserving the environment for present and future generations.

The goal is therefore to regain the elite status that once characterized Vincentian agriculture of the past. This mission and new policy can be realized by developing appropriate activities, in collaboration with stakeholders, to address the following minimum key objectives:






To incorporate flexibility within the sector to adapt quickly to changing external Global situations.

A New Democratic Party administration will facilitate and support the private sector to tackle these objectives by instituting relevant actions through the Ministry of Agriculture (Food production, Forestry, Fisheries and Rural Development). As such the Ministry will be to repositioned to meet the challenges of the 21st Century, and promote a vision of food and nutrition security, rural prosperity and improvement in the quality of life and livelihood of all Vincentians.

The vision will be shared, or advanced, through strategic planning meetings, seminars, workshops and field visits, in order to encourage partnership, cooperation and participation with key stakeholders in the private sector, NGOs and civil society. Such contact will inform national priorities and development plans, and determine specific programmes and actions. This approach will accordingly motivate farmers, fishermen, processors, marketers, agribusiness entrepreneurs and technicians, to be more productive and gain confidence in the Ministry as a tool, or facilitating mechanism, to aid their business operations.

New Democratic Party will:

  1. Introduce an Agricultural Development Bank.
  2. Establish a special regime of incentives for new farms.
  3. Establish a Consumer and Prices Advisory Board, with a mandate to address prices for agricultural supplies as well as matters pertaining to prices and consumerism.
  4. Establish farmers markets in other areas of St. Vincent and the Grenadines including Sion Hill, Calliaqua, Georgetown, Barrouallie and Campden Park.
  5. Continue to make agricultural lands available to farmers through the Land Reform Programme.
  6. Designate areas for small ruminants (goat, sheep and pigs) production and some for root crops to generate national food security.
  7. Re-introduce agriculture in primary school and a youth appreciation in agriculture (YAPA) as a programme for young farmers.

Information Technology

The NDP believes in our bold IT agenda for St. Vincent and the Grenadines which will propel our national development in a competitive global market.

  1. The NDP will work in conjunction with existing stakeholders in internet connectivity to make St. Vincent and the Grenadines the first island in the region where the internet will be universally accessible on a broadband wireless platform and free to all locals and visitors to the island.
  2. To transform community centres and resource centres to include spaces where the general public can be educated about computers and computer literacy.
  3. To create the infrastructure and environment to bring the best individuals in technology worldwide, to live and run their business from St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
  4. To create incentive legislation to attract IT based business to our shores creating meaningful employment to our young people.
  5. Support the use of technology to improve every area of our lives in which the public has to interface with government bureaucracy.
  6. A laptop would be provided for every school child and teacher to create a new frontier for learning and teaching in the classroom.

Youth Affairs

The Youth are central to the establishment and success of a knowledge based economy. The NDP believes in the capacity, willingness, competence, and potential of our Young People and will do our best to empower them to participate in the development process.

  1. Facilitate the establishment of a St. Vincent and the Grenadines Youth Parliament (SVGYP) so as to give the young people a voice.
  2. Appoint a young person to all statutory government boards.
  3. Create a diversified scholarship portfolio in Education and Sports.
  4. Improve and expand skills training utilizing the various multi-purpose and community centres around SVG.
  5. Provide support for all established youth organizations and in particular the International Award for Young People (IAYP) (The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award) assuring that the youngsters have appropriate opportunities for self development.
  6. Revamp and increase the profile of the Family Court so that its ability to effectively deal with young offenders is enhanced.
  7. Integrate the functions of the Family Court, Welfare Department and other youth agencies so that the entities work together and support each other for the benefit of the youth.
  8. Revisit sentencing policy in relation to youth crime.
  9. Explore the viability of establishing a separate facility for young offenders.
  10. Initiate the development of support systems at the community level, providing counseling and parenting guidance for parents and guardians.