
Our Plan on Crime

crime is out of control in svg

  • In 2023 there were 55 homicides homicides in SVG, with 52 murders. A record-breaking year and one of the highest rates of murder in the world  (third in 2023). Praedial larceny is hurting our agriculture industry, hurting local businesses and preventing growth in this key area of our economy. Yacht and boat crime is affecting our tourism industry, also damaging growth in a key pillar of our economy. Violence against women and girls is too high and not being addressed by the government. There are an average of 450 applications to the family court due to domestic violence and only one emergency shelter in the entire country.
  • Prosecution rates for murders is low in our country: 

  • In 2023, the police defined 49 of the 52 killings as murder and have charged 13 people as the homicide count. 
  • In 2022, of the 42 homicides, 11 people were arrested and charged for murder while19 were arrested on suspicion but not charged.

    The government have not taken any action to tackle or reduce crime in SVG. There have been no major policy developments or announcements on this, all the while the murder rate increases and crime is impacting the economy, preventing growth and hurting everyone’s finances.

  • The NDP has a comprehensive plan to reduce crime. We will invest in our police services, have a dedicated Minister of National Security, increase prison sentences, build another emergency shelter for women and provide better support and tackle the root causes of crime through growing the economy with our economic plan (Four Pillars of the Economy).

  • The government want to bury their head in the sand and avoid talking about crime. The NDP know that people are concerned about crime and its impact on them, their families, their homes, their businesses. We know it is an issue people care about unlike the ULP.

what will the ndp do

  • The NDP has a plan to invest in our police services to get more officers on the ground with the technology they need to tackle the ongoing crime epidemic that SVG is experiencing. 
  • The NDP recognizes growing levels of unemployment and poverty are leading contributors to the current rates of gun crime, which has become the only way some people can make money. We will tackle the root cause of crime through our economic plan, developing the four pillars of the economy.
  • Have closer collaboration with international law enforcement to cut the supply of weapons into our country and enhance our customs checks to stop guns entering our country.
  • Have a dedicated Minister of National Security to a stand-alone role. Giving the role the time and focus it needs.
  • We will build another emergency shelter for women and improve the counseling support available to those who need it. 
  • We will increase the prison sentences of those convicted of praedial larceny, ensuring those who commit the crime are sufficiently punished and sending a message to all that this crime will not be tolerated