
Our country cannot wait for progress, we cannot wait for change. An NDP government will start to deliver for everyone in SVG from day one.  While there are many challenges facing our country, we can quickly start to lift our country up and deliver a brighter future for all.

  1. Cut the rate of VAT
    a. We will cut the rate of VAT from 16% to 13% to support businesses and ordinary people.
  2. Year-end bonuses
    a. Year-end bonuses will be awarded to every public servant dedicated to serving the people of this country.
  3. VAT free shopping days
    a. In certain periods across the year, such as in August before the return to school and in December around Christmas, we will introduce VAT free shopping days to turbocharge our small businesses.
  1. Reverse the vaccine mandate
    a. We want to ensure that all public servants can play their part in our economy recovery. We will reverse the divisive vaccine mandate.
  2. National Innovation Hub
    a. Designed to promote entrepreneurship and new business, we will create a national innovation campus that will give new business a home to build and a platform to build for the future.
  3. Diaspora Investment Programme
    a. Create a standalone programme to attract greater number of investments from our diaspora.
  4. National Investment Bureau
    a. To show business the full range of supports and advise on long term investment policy, the NIB will be a one-stop-shop for all businesses, international and local, that want insight into how to develop and expand their business.
  5. National Development Bank
    a. This will provide low interest loans to help small businesses grow.
  1. Youth Guarantee Pledge
    a. Our commitment that by the end of our first term in Government, everyone has the opportunity of a job, training course or internship. This pledge will require government, business and our schools and college to come together to develop a national programme.
  2. National Athlete Programme
    a. Establish a national athlete programme, alongside the national scholar’s programme to support elite athletes across the country to develop their skills.
  3. National Jobs and Skills Agency
    a. Establish the National Jobs and Skills Agency to help identify and ensure we have the right skills here at home rather than relying on foreign workers. There is too big a mismatch between those coming out of school and the world of work.
  4. TVET Centre of Excellence
    a. Construct a TVET Centre of Excellence to ensure that everyone has the ability to grow, develop and find higher paying jobs.
  1. National Health Insurance
    a. Introduce a National Health Insurance that will cover all our citizens in St Vincent and the Grenadines. The National Health Insurance will be implemented through the National Insurance Services.
  2. Constituency clinics
    a. Every constituency must have at least one clinic.
  3. Support for the elderly
    a. New facilities for older people and greater investment in dedicated healthcare services for the elderly. We will deliver upgraded facilities to support our older people and ensure they have a good quality of life.
  1. National Security Minister
    a. We will appoint a stand-alone National Security Minister to deliver on reductions in crime.
  2. Praedial larceny unit
    a. We will establish a dedicated police unit to tackle praedial larceny, protecting our farmers so they can grow their businesses.
  3. More emergency shelters for women
    a. We will build more emergency shelters for women, so women can feel safer.
  4. Forensics Lab
    a. We will build a National Forensics Lab to help solve more crimes and take dangerous criminals off our street.
  1. National Ecotourism Strategy
    a. This plan will support individual projects in North Leeward, North Windward and other key areas. We would establish a national park and facilities in the north of the country. This will also include farm tourism.
  2. Ministry of Fisheries
    a. Establish a separate ministry for fisheries to ensure there is a focus on fishery and agriculture as two separate, but related pillars.
  3. National Marketing Boards
    a. Establish National Marketing Boards to drive exports and ensure that we can let farmers focus on what they do best.
  4. National Performing Arts Centre
    a. Establish a National Performing Arts Centre to channel our country’s potential into creating opportunities for all.