Hon. Nigel Stephenson MP

Nigel Stephenson

Nigel ‘Nature’ Stephenson is Dr Friday’s NDP representative for South Leeward, fighting for the causes that matter most to his constituents.

With a previous career in teaching, it did not take long for Nature to realise that one of the top priorities for young Vincentians is to create jobs and improve their career prospects.

He has a local plan that will prioritise better sporting facilities for young people, job creating projects as well as increasing tourism in South Leeward.

Nature has played a vital role in Parliament as part of the opposition but is determined to see an NDP Government so that we build a brighter future for every Vincentian.

Outside of politics, Nature is a firm believer in the importance of sport in the development of our young people and he plays an active role in many of South Leeward’s local sporting organisations.


Dr Friday’s NDP team is committed to getting SVG working.
We will deliver new jobs, better healthcare, opportunities for young people, and reduce the cost of living.